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Mice/ Raising Wild Baby Mice?

21 15:32:09

Good evening,
earlier today i found 4 baby mice and i desperately want to try and save them. What do they nest in, How do i feed them, How do i toilet them, Also is a plastic box about 10inches by 4 okay for them with a hot water bottle beneath it and blanket rapped around it warm enough for them.
Many thanks

Dear Danni,

Thank you for saving their lives.  The following post explains a lot about how to care for mouse foundlings:

After you feed them with the KMR you will need to rub their tummies gently with a Q-tip to stimulate them to excrete waste.   The box is fine until they open their eyes, which will be at 14 days.  That's how you'll know how old they are.  It won't be long after they open their eyes that they will be crawling, then climbing, then hopping.  You will need an aquarium at that time, because they will be small enough to slip between the bars of any wire mouse cage.  For the moment anything soft, such as a washcloth, will be enough. As long as they are in a warm room, wrapped up really warmly, and the water bottle stays hot, it should do the trick.  They need to be warmer than our body temperature.  

Feel free to ask anything else.  Best of luck!

