Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Mice > female deer mouse hoarding/weight loss

female deer mouse hoarding/weight loss

21 15:23:52


Hi Natasha! First let me tell you you helped me raise two little pinkie wild mice into beautiful tame pets. Thank you! They give us such joy and I would never recommend turning hand raised babies out after seeing what wonderful pets they are (as long as you give them plenty of love). They are 4 months old and the female has always been much bigger than the male (he was the runt). Now in the past several weeks I noticed every time I change their cage I noticed the female hoards absolutely all of her seeds,corn,snacks in the corner of her bed cubby. I mean loads of it! In the meantime she will eat the brocolli, nuts, apples and pumkin seeds in front of me so I know she is eating some of it.  Yet, she has lost alot of weight and is now much smaller than my male.  You can pull her skin away from her body but it bounces back so I know she is hydrated. She is very active and rolls her in her ball all over the house which lets me know she isn't sick (at least I think so).  I am trying to find out if there is a correlation between fall/winter months, hoarding, and her weight loss.  I can't find any info on the internet so I decided to ask you the expert who helped so many times before. Any help/sites with info/advice is a greatly appreciated asset.
Sabra and Velveeta

Dear Sabra,

I wish I had the answer for you, but I hope I can point you in the right direction.  I've never had a deer mouse as a pet myself!

First, here are two sites just about rescuing and raising deer mice:

Both have forums so you can discuss the issue with other deer mouse people; there are also some email contacts.

Second, actually, the other new mouse expert, Cass, has raised many baby deer mouse litters herself, and she studies veterinary medicine.  She is the better person to ask.  She is very sweet-- she helped me with my sick mouse recently.  

I hope you find out what you need to help your little mouse.

