Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Mice > will my mouse get lonely and if he will what can i do to make him feel a little better

will my mouse get lonely and if he will what can i do to make him feel a little better

21 15:18:01

QUESTION: I'v got two male mice but they are in different cages and i don't know if i should put them in the same cage. is it a good idea?
please help, Jade

ANSWER: Hi Jade,

I wouldn't try it, no.  Most males don't get along, will fight to the death, and can have serious stress problems just being near enough to each other to smell the other one.  They are very territorial and can go from seemingly calm to violent overnight.  The only exceptions I've seen are with littermates who have never been separated (and even some of them turn violent once they hit puberty), or from excellent breeders who have bred their mice to be extremely tolerant and awesome.

Boy mice really only need you to be their friend, otherwise they prefer being alone.  :)


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: most sites - including this one- say the mouse will get lonely and depressed if left by themselves with no friend (him not going to get him a friend because I've already seen what happens when i do) so i want to know how to make him feel a little better- so he wont be AS lonely/ depressed, if that's possible

Hi Jade,

It is true that mice can get lonely if not paired with another mouse, but only females - girl mice do get very sad if left without cagemates, but males get very stressed around other males.  Your best bet for keeping them happy and not lonely is to play with them often and provide them with stimulating and safe toys.  A wheel, hides, safe-to-chew toys and blocks, and even DIY entertainment like homemade mazes and play forts made from tissue boxes, toilet paper tubes, and popsicle sticks (small amounts of hot glue to fasten them together when needed is safe, but be sure to change out home-made toys as soon as they are soiled, and remember to remove all reachable glue or plastic bits that are not ingestible!) are all excellent ways to keep your little guy busy and happy.  He really will be happy as long as he gets to play with you!
