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Mother mouse rescued from hanging

21 15:32:01

Hey,Natasha!I'm worried.Oreo(nursing week old babies)almost hung herself through one of the bars in my cage.thankgoodness my mom saved her life.Although she went right back to nursing her babies,I'm still a little bit worried 'cause she has a little red mark around her neck and she seems somwhat weak.Is there anything I can do for her and will she continue to nurse and take care of her babies?

Dear Rose,

Oh, no, poor Oreo!  All you can do is wait, let her rest and avoid any stress (lights, noises, smells, animals), and hope.  My guess is she will be OK if she seems OK, but you never know what internal damage may have been done, or if she will be too upset to take care of the babies.  Don't interfere unless she does something like try to move the babies.

I wish Oreo the best of luck in her continued motherhood.

