Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Mice > Meadow Vole?

Meadow Vole?

21 15:38:41

It's funny you mentioned vole. Because I looked up vole and came across "meadow vole." Sometimes called a field mouse. It has four fingers on it's front paw and five at the back?

Do mice have that too or?
He has no white on him at all, just brown and dark brown or back.

How often do I give him cream of wheat? I made some but just not sure of the times?

Thats all for now.

Dear Kate,

All mice (and cats, too) have four front toes and five back toes.  It wil be fun to watch Brownie grow up and identify him/her!  Did you look for nipples on his tummy?

if you mix the cream of wheat with the formula you can give him that instead of the formula but when he is done with that, see if he still wants plain formula.  Another thing to do now is to soak some hard bread or plain crackers in a little formula.  Of course it will go bad quickly so don't leave it in overnight.  You could add a little cooked rice too.  This is all on the way to him eating real crackers and then seeds.  Have you bought him a mouse and rat seed mix yet?  Otherwise, a good seed to start with might be sesame seeds.  They love sunflower seeds, and flax seeds are great too. He will also soon be able to chew on bits of raw vegetable such as broccoli or carrots.  Give him his time but have these foods available soon.  It will be the smallest meals you ever cooked!  (Perhaps you should eat the same as him).  

Do make sure he is completely clean after he eats.  He might get messy.

squeaks n giggles,
