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orphan mouse care, formula

21 15:17:26

Hi, I found two baby mice in my driveway with the sun baking them so i picked them up and brought them inside so i thought it would be good to for now feed them some milk but then i read about it and you are not supposed to so then i started feeding them evaporated milk from the can and put just as much water in as i did the milk? is it okay to be feeding them that because i heard that babies drank that instead of formula so i thought it would work the same? I also wanted to know how old they are in days because the top of them are blackish grayish and there still pink on other parts of there body? I am trying to save them but people would probably think it's stupid because its a mouse but i care. so id like to know what i can to for them to make them survive.

Dear Mackendra,

Thank you for rescuing the mice! They should not be given cow's milk at all. The best is kitten milk, which you can get at any pet store, but if that isn't possible, soy milk is fine. Someone asked about an orphan the other day, so I will link to that answer:

It sounds like your pups have had a rough time, so don't be hard on yourself if they don't survive. Let me know if you have any questions; and please let me know how they do!


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