Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Mice > Why not pick up a mouse by the tail?

Why not pick up a mouse by the tail?

21 15:09:13

can mice be held by there tails I don't do it but does it hurt them plz in detail

Dear Ashley,

Very good question. There are a number of reasons:

1. The tail can break off.
2. The fur and skin can be pulled off, called degloving. This is horribly painful.
3. It is very scary to dangle in the air. It is like being picked up by a hawk.

Sometimes it is very hard to catch a mouse. The best way to do it is to guide the mouse into a toilet paper roll and put both hands on both ends. But if that simply doesn't work, and you can't gently corner the mouse with both hands, there is one way to use the tail.  You would very gently but firmly grab the very base of the tail by its rump;  and before its front legs are even off of the ground, put your other hand under the mouse and pick it up.

I'm glad you asked. If you ever see someone doing it, you can give them the facts.

Squeaks n giggles,
