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found baby pocket mice

21 15:32:35

Six days ago I was given 3 baby mice which were found by a friend who didn't have time to care for them. Found with eyes shut but 2 have since opened eyes (one, the smallest of the three, died early this morning). They are brownish-gray with white underbelly but I'm not positive on the breed, and I am not sure if I'm caring for them correctly. I have been feeding them powdered cat food, oatmeal and baby bird formula mixed with filtered water. I warm the mixture under hot tap water & test it before feeding. I rub their bellies before, during & after feeding with a warm damp washcloth. I don't have a heating pad but I placed them next to our tree-frog tank near the bio-light & they are nice and warm.
I was worried about the 'runt' for days & gave him extra care as he never seemed to be growing like the other two. We are very sad we lost him and I need to know if I am doing okay? Do I need to change food and now that eyes are open, when should I give them solid foods? Thank you for your aid! Andi

Dear Andrea,

The best thing to feed baby mice with is kitten formula, KMR.  Is that what you mean by powdered cat food?  They don't need anything added to that.  They open their eyes at about 14 days, so you now now about how old they are.  They should be introduced to seeds and crackers by three weeks and should be weaned by 4 weeks, probably before.  

Baby mice are delicate little things, and are meant to be cared for by mama mice; it is not surprising, then, when they don't flourish even under the best of human care.  Don't blame yourself.  I hope the other two have much better luck.

