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Respiratory Infection in mice

21 15:17:51


How long does it take for a respiratory infection to a mouse?

Dear Zoe,

If a mouse has a respiratory infection (usually one called myco) it needs antibiotics. Otherwise it can die. The very best thing to do is take the mouse to the vet. I can offer a home remedy but it is not as effective as what the vet can give you.

The home remedy I know is with the over-the-counter antibiotic  Tetracycline, which is available in the FISH section of your pet store or aquarium store.  It either comes in powder, tablet, or capsule form.  If it is a tablet, you will need to crush it into fine powder, which you can do with the back of one spoon against the front of another.  If it is a capsule you will empty the powder out of the capsule.  One capsule is the same as 1/4 flat teaspoon.

Take one capsule and mix it with a drop or two of water until you have a mustardy paste. Grab the mouse by the scruff (back) of the neck to open its mouth, and try to get a bit of the paste in the mouth. The mouse will struggle a lot and this may be impossible. In any case, smear some on the whiskers and sides, where it can easily wash it off and ingest it.

Put another capsule's worth in a large water bottle (10-12 oz), or half that in a small water bottle (4-6 oz), and that should be the only source of water for about 10 days. Shake it up well. Change it every other day. Cover the bottle with tin foil so no light can get in. Tetracycline reacts with light.

If this does not work, it either has a strong case of myco, or a secondary infection. Unfortunately the only place to get strong enough or different antibiotics is the vet. Expect the new drug to be Baytril, Amoxicillin, or Doxycycline, or a combination. Some vets don't know that Amoxicillin and Baytril should not be combined because they become less effective.

Best of luck to your mouse!

<:3 )--~