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Orphan field mouse wobbly

21 15:11:26

I found 3 abandoned field mice last week all with fur. I did an awful lot of research into how to look after them. I bought some kitten milk and started to feed them with a small paintbrush. They fed well, unfortunately 2 died 3 days ago suffering breathing problems, but I still have one left. It has started to eat solids slowly but still is fed milk by brush. last night i cooked brown rice foir it and gave it small bits of carrot and sesame and sunflower seeds. This morning it woke up with both eyes completely open, but has not much sense of balance and shakes and jiggles a bit. is this normal? Also I have given it electrolyte replacement fluid, hope thats a good idea? sometimes it makes a little clicking noise and after some research saw this means it is happy, I hope that is true. If i send a picture can you tell me if it looks healthy and also what sex it is?
Thanks for reading this, i really want it to survive, I am completely in love with it and think that the mouse is very happy.

Dear James,

Thank you so much for caring about the poor little pup. You must have been devastated when the others died. I'm sorry.

It really shouldn't be wobbling like that, but give it two days to see if it gets its balance. Mother mice can often sense when there is something wrong with one of her pups, and so she will abandon the defective ones. Thus this might be why you found them.

However, mice  can survive as pets with various health issues. I have seen mice with something that looks like cerebral palsy, who were wobbly or even not in much control of their limbs. It looks very strange, but in fact the mice were perfectly happy. You see, mice don't know, and this guy certainly wouldn't know, that life is supposed to be any different. So even if this pup has something wrong with its muscles or muscle control, it can still be an absolutely loving and adorable pet - just different than most, and maybe needing more care.

I hope it turns out to be normal or near normal; I just want to make sure you know that as long as it survives, and is happy (and by the bruxing it sounds happy), it is not a tragedy no matter what else happens.

To sex the pup I refer you to the addy in my profile for sexing pups. There are a number of ways to do it, and it is explained well, and with photos. It should not be hard at all. If you want to send me a photo of its underside you may, but I think you will find it easy with the information on that page. One hint: Boys don't have nipples.

I would give you the link here but it is awkward because I am on my ipad. You will have to cut and paste from my profile.

The electrolyte solution is good if the pup is at all dehydrated. Some people just cut the formula with it anyway, so it certainly isn't doing any harm. I suggest you also go to the addy in my profile for videos on caring for orphans. You will see there what a pup is supposed to look like. Again, you may send a photo if you like. I can post either one on Facebook to get other mouse people's reactions.

I certainly hope the little tyke is OK. Please let me know.

