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housing male mice together

21 15:20:53

Hello- I am interested in getting some male mice I saw at a pet store.  They are currently living together.  However, I am concerned about transferring them from the petstore to a new cage without them getting territorial and fighting.  I have a friend with female mice, and she wants to breed with the ones I buy.  However, after reading some info. on "allexperts," I am wondering if male mice who have been bred turn out to be more 'dominant' with their cage mates...?  

I don't want just ONE mouse, but I am wondering if female mice are more likely to live together more easily...?  

Any suggestions you have would be greatly appreciated!  Holly

Dear Holly,

You can never, ever completely count on two males to live together peaceably. If you want to make the chances worse, put them in a new cage.  Or separate them.  Or mate one!!!   Your fears are indeed well-founded.

Females live together great.  The best thing is to get 3 girls.  That way when one dies the other two have each other, and you have time to replace number 3.  Don't let that scare you if you can really only get two.  I just always like to recommend three (actually I get kickbacks from the mouse goddess).  

I'm always thrilled to hear of new mouse enthusiasts.  Welcome to the club! Please don't hesitate to send more questions.  Note that I have some good mouse info links in my profile as well.

squeaks n giggles,
