Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Mice > My mouse has a funny lump

My mouse has a funny lump

21 15:10:17

Tyra\'s Lump
Tyra's Lump  
Tyra\'s Lump
Tyra's Lump  
My mouse Tyra has a strange lump on her side behind her right front paw.
I'm not sure if this information is needed but I'll tell you just incase:
Originally we bought three mice, they were supposed to be three males- Tyrone, Freddie and Toby- but one day when I looked in her cage I saw 8 babies making her Tyra. Toby was the father. We separated them immediately but she was already pregnant with another litter. Toby was the father again. The second litter was 9, or so what my siblings told me but when I came home in the afternoon there were only 8 babies. They said one of the babies was only half developed only half a baby. That half baby was gone when I got home we assumed she ate it. A little while later when we sold the second litter Freddie died. I don't know what he died from but he had blood coming out of his nose. A few weeks after Toby died. But no blood. So we thoroughly cleaned the cage and put Tyra back in it (she was put into another smaller cage before). Its been about 6 months
-I'm really not sure- since this happened and Tyra's still alive. My friend was over two days ago and wanted to see Tyra but as I was taking her out of the cage I noticed a strange lump I'm not sure how to explain but I've attached an image. There has been no diet change she still eats and drinks and runs around in her big cage, she seems really healthy so I don't know what this could be!All these sights say it could be and abscess or a tumour. I'm really scared I love her very much but I can't take her to the vet because my father said it's a waste of money because she's just a mouse.
Please help!

ANSWER: Dear Natalie,

I am so glad you sent the pics, because when people say a lump on a mouse they usually mean a bump like a  tumor. You likely just have a little, unimportant wart there. I can't guarantee it-- since even with people some warts are cancerous-- or it may be a small abscess that I am not recognizing-- but it is not a tumor. Phew. You can let out your breath now.

Does it feel like a wart or is it hard? If it is hard it could be a little abscess. In that case, apply warm heat until it opens up (It may be smelly) and then keep it clean.

Otherwise don't worry unless it really starts growing big, which I have never seen.

Tyra needs a couple of girlfriends.



---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

Tyra&Shmigums\' Home
Tyra&Shmigums' Home  
QUESTION: Thank you so much!
I think it's a wart, it seems pretty harmless cause it's not affecting Tyra at all.
I would like to get Tyra some girlfriends but my parents won't let me, already we have too many pets!
I don't think it is an abscess neither does my father we all think it's a wart.
Tyra kind of has one girlfriend and that's our rabbit Shmigums (a very unusual name), although Tyra is in a cage ( I take her out often though) inside of Shmigums' enclosure, it's hard to explain so I'll attach an image. But the image isn't very clear cause it's taken on my phone.
Thanks again for all your help I really appreciate it!
Kind Regards,

Dear Natalie,

Well, why shouldn't a mouse and a rabbit be friends of a sort.. I had a little fat black mouse who was best friends with our huge black Newfoundland mix dog! But still, no direct contact between the two.

Be sure to protect Tyra's cage from sun. Mice get heat stroke and can die very quickly.

Thanks for the reply :)

