Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Mice > Brownie the rescued baby wild mouse

Brownie the rescued baby wild mouse

21 15:38:43

Hey Natasha,
It's me again, I got some KMR. I fed the lil mouse a bit (he was kind of rejecting it). Not sure why? I did rub his tummy after, he did have a bowel movement and he did pee. His tummy didn't turn white though. So I am a bit concerned.

What should expect?

Dear Kate,

Brownie was rejecting it because you aren't his mother and he didn't understand what was going on.  It won't take long for him to figure out that when he feels hunger in his tummy, the eyedropper makes him feel better!  His tummy will turn white only if you can see that it is pink right now.  His fur probably covers that, and thus he might be pretty close to being two weeks old.  

I once had a (wonderful) mouse named Ultra (rest her little soul) who lost all her fur due to mites.  One day I fed her a big piece of Baby Swiss cheese and laughed to see her tummy turn white like a baby!

Good luck with Brownie.  He or she is lucky you care.  By the way, if you can see nipples, he's a she!

squeaks n giggles,
