Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Mice > overweight/bored mice

overweight/bored mice

21 15:38:53

I was wondering if you know of any ways to slim down a fat mouse. I have
two mice-one is fit and energetic, but the other one is lazy and huge! Do you
know of any ways to help? Also, I want to make some toys for my mice.
Maybe that will help slim down the mouse! I don't know what to do. If you
could help that would be great! Thanks again,

Dear Helen,
thank you for your question.
Some mice have a genetic disposition for growing fat, reddish mice are particulary prone to this, but other colours can have it, too. Then the mouse won't get less fat whatever you do. But getting it to be more active and changing the diet should help a "normal" mouse.

You can mix your own food with bird seeds (the seeds should at least contain several types of millet) and a grain mixture (five or six different grains, those can be bought at most health food stores). Add some dried vegetables, oatmeal or a few sunflower seeds if you like. But mostly, sunflower or pumpkin seeds should only be given as treats, one per day and mouse. One tablespoon of food per day and mouse is enough. Sweet treats like yoghurt drops or chewing sticks with honey or molasses ect. should not be given at all, they make the mice fat and are unhealthy.

Scatter the food in the bedding or hide it in cardboard boxes, tissues/toilet paper (unscented) or crumpled paper so that the mice have to work for their food. Vegetables and fruit can be beaded on a piece of string or clamped between the cage bars. That will make them more active than just walking up to the full food bowl.

Apart from cardboard boxes, mice like ladders and toilet paper rolls to gnaw and hide in. You can build little houses by covering a balloon with several layers of moist toilet paper and letting it dry. Pierce the ballon and cut some opening into the toilet paper shell. Shake the ballon pieces out and you have a mouse house that can be gnawed and used as bedding.

Branches, twigs and leaves from hazel, apple, pear, willow, poplar, alder, currant, beech, birch or maple are great climbing and chewing toys (make sure the trees are not sprayed with insecticides). Toilet paper rolls can be made into labyrinth by putting them together and then covering them with moist toilet paper, after drying it will be pretty stable. Glazed flower pot or cups make good hiding places, too. Hemp or cotton ropes are good for balacing, mice do that very well.

I hope I was of some help to you