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Help! I dont know what to do!

21 15:39:26

 I have three mice and 2 of them have ear problems, but the other one is perfectly fine. I don't know what is wrong with the other two and what to do to help them. One of my mice has been scratching her ears a lot lately and it has gotten to the point were she has no ears left just small stubs.
    The other one on the other hand has a different ear problem, her right ear is very swollen and it now has so much dry blood built up from her scratching that it actually has like streched the ear out so much that it has another small hole. Also on the same side of her face her eye is a little bit puffy and looks like she has it like half closed. She is still eating and staying active but I really want to help her. PLEASE HELP ME!

   Aw, the poor babies. :( The first thing you need do is treat them for mites, you can find a treatment at any local chain pet store like Petco or PetSmart. Treat for the duration it says on the box. If the scratching does not stop there could be another problem.
   The bedding could be irritating their skin. Do you use wood based shavings like pine or cedar? This will not only aggravate skin problems it could inflame their lungs as well. Stop using this type of bedding immediately and revert to something like Carefresh, Yesterday's News, or any other non-wood based bedding.
   Their food could be giving them allergies. To see if this is the problem feed them cooked rice for three weeks, if the scratching has stopped gradually add the different types of foods back again. Like one week try sunflower seeds, if no scratching occurs add back their pumpkin seeds and so on. If scratching occurs after adding a food item remove it immediately and obviously don't give that to them again.
   Now, you need to treat their wounds. Leaving the dried blood on your mousie's ear is a big no no. It's okay that you did, because you may have assumed the mouse would clean her wound herself which is what mice usually do. Take 50% water and 50% hydrogen peroxide solution and a Q-tip or cotton pad or cotton ball and clean both mice's wounds. After cleaning use an antibiotic cream like Neosporin and dab it on the wounds. This will be difficult because they will squirm like no other but just be patient and eventually you'll get them all fixed up. I have also heard that vitamin E oil, like you get in those vitamin capsules heals wounds very nicely.
   I use it on my lips when they get chapped in the winter and it always works faster than most remedies so I'm sure it will help your mice. Another suggestion would be tea tree oil. But use it with caution, only a 5% solution with the antibiotic cream. A quarter sized blot of cream with a drop of tea tree mixed together is how I measure. You can keep the excess in a small container or cover in plastic wrap so you don't waste. Lastly, hydrocortisone, it's the stuff you put on when you get bug bites. It won't kill bacteria but it will stop the itch. I suggest cleaning the wounds once a day and applying whichever remedy you would like once a day as well.
   I am not a vet, nor have I had any training on the subject. You're always better of with a vet but not everyone can afford one so sites like these do help. I hope I have been some help and if you have more questions or would like me to explain something more in depth please ask me a follow-up question. I'll be glad to help. Best of luck to you and your mice.