Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Mice > Primrose Oil for mouse skin?

Primrose Oil for mouse skin?

21 15:32:32

QUESTION: You mentioned in one of your answers that you used primrose oil and almost killed your mouse. Why was that? I recently put some primrose oil on my mouse for her skin condition and that's why I'm asking.

ANSWER: Dear Heather,

My experience was the following:  I was told to use Oil of Primrose on the mouse.  I went to a store and bought what I was told was Primrose Oil.  It put the mouse into severe pain.  When I tried it on my skin it hurt too.  

When I went back to the store they told me there is a difference between Primrose Oil and Oil of Primrose. Apparently Oil of Primrose is a very weak solution of Primrose Oil.  Primrose Oil is too strong.

If it was actually Primrose Oil that you used and the mouse was fine, please let me know.  I would truly like to know this.  You can use a follow-up question to let me know.

Thank you;

squeaks n giggles,


PS please don't rate me on this-- I'm an expert on behavior, not medicine : ) though I always want to help!

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: I bought Evening Primrose Oil.  It came in pill form. I cut one of the pills open and put it on my mouse, Sugar.  She didn't seem to be in pain, but she didn't seem to like it either. As with the Neosporin, she tried to clean it all off.  I am now under the impression that my Sugar doesn't like anything gushey feeling on her.

Dear Heather,

Thank you.  The mouse will wash anything off that you put on her.  She wants to be clean.  I put vitamin E on my mouse for her dry skin.  She loved it and all the other mice licked it off of her too, which was certainly good both for her circulation and her mood, which was down because of her problem.

