Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Mice > im still really scared if someone can help my sick or pregnant mouse

im still really scared if someone can help my sick or pregnant mouse

21 15:39:49

a week and a half ago my dad finally said i could get a mouse because ive been studying for 3 months but i thought i was getting a boy so i didnt study about the pregnancy. i went to this store and when i looked at all the male mouse i had a strange feeling the a girl would be better so i went across the street boaght everything and picked out a beaughtiful girl her name is micheal-riley and she was the youngest one there.i got to hold her in the store and she got out of my hands because it was the first time ive held one she jumped to the ground and she didnt seem hurt. they told us that there were boys in the cage and they showed us the pregnant one. its been a week and she was fine she after the first day she wasnt scared of me but i make sher we keep my dog locked up.hes a toy (small dog) and he likes her a lot. he use to babysit her all day (normal?) then he licked her nose and she started to be pull his furr ut when he went near her (normal?) for about 4 days she seems like shes getting a lil round on the sides. today she started punching the toobs and spreading bedding near her eatible store baught bed. she barely drinks her water wich i change 2 a day and shes starting to eat more and exersize (like a husky lady trying exersize her way to skinny.) yesterday she ra in her wheel for 4 hours straight and she jut stopped and fell a sleep on the wheel now if i go near her she runs in a tube or on the wheel and try to get away. she is also building up a pile of bedding near a tube bend and was trying to bite a whole right where she piled dust ??? sorry for long question.

shes acting verry verry wierd plz scared.

p.s the vet said she was probably pregnant

She is showing all the signs of a pregnant mouse. She is building an extra nest for the babies. This is because she may need to move the babies if the nest gets destroyed or they are under threat from predators. Pregnant mice are very fussy when it comes to their nest for the young. They like to use as many materials as possible and it has to constructed in a place she feels is secure.

You may need to put the water in a bowl as it may be difficult or uncomfortable for her to drink from the bottle nows shes pregnant. Although her behavior may suggest shes trying to lose weight it is not the case. Moderate exercise is normal but four hours straight when shes pregnant means shes stressed. Mice are social creatures so she really needs a female buddy. Another mouse will also help look after the babies. If you can try to but a female who has had babies in the past so she knows exactly what to do. Stressed mothers may eat or ignore their young leaving them starving to death so it is important you keep her as happy as possible. Apart from finding her a friend, you could add more nesting materials such as toilet and kitchen roll, hay, shredded dishcloths, shredded clean old clothes etc. Stay away from newspaper and hamster fluff (looks like cotton wool and comes in white pink and blue) as these may harm the young.

It is natural for your dog to have a keen interest in your mice. Dogs keen on chasing anything small and fury may want to hurt your mice. She was pulling his hair out because she viewed him as a predator and was protecting her future offspring. This will also be adding to her stress so remember to keep him away at all times. Make sure you wash your hands after handling your dog before you play with your mouse.

She may be difficult to handle because shes pregnant. She is also very stressed out which is why shes so jumpy. Make sure her cage is away from noise, drafts and harsh light.

Please don't worry, you just need to make a few changes to help your mouse.