Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Mice > How to stop my mouse from nipping

How to stop my mouse from nipping

21 15:19:38

QUESTION: Dear Natasha,

I recently bought two female mice from a pet store. One of
them is fairly gentle and licks my finger often, nipping
only once in a while. The other though, tends to approach my
hand and nip it automatically when I put my hand in the cage
to have them approach me. I don't go near her, I let her
come to me as to not scare her.

But it still seems like she isn't going to stop any time
soon. She never draws blood, though the longer I leave my
hand in, the harder the nips get. I've tried tapping her on
the nose, but she usually evades it, or goes for the finger
I use to tap her.

I don't want to return her, but I'm not sure how to stop
this behavior so I'm not to nervous to handle either of my


Brooke W.

ANSWER: Dear Brooke,

It sounds like she really doesn't want your hand in the cage. I think I understand that she is nipping multiply as your hand is in there, not just once? If she just nips once you can just expect it and don't let it bother you (I have a girl like that now; I have learned to simply give her my fingertip and say "nip me!" and she does it, like she is saying hello, just once; it doesn't hurt). But if she is nip nip nipping, and the nose taps don't work, she just hates it when your hand is in the cage.

The best thing to do is not to keep your hand in the cage when she is in it.  If you like to interact with the other mouse with your hand in the cage, take this one out first.  I don't know how you pick them up-- if they walk in your hand or you scoop them or whatever-- but you may want to pick her up by encouraging her to go into a toilet paper roll if that's easier.

Let me know if this makes sense/ is helpful; or if you still have a question.



---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Natasha,

Yeah, when I put my hand in she does nip multiple times. I
was hoping that since I only got her about a week and a half
ago, she would grow out of it if I kept treating her nicely
and offering her treats once in a while. I found her to be
so gentle in the first few days, so it would be such a
bummer if I had to completely avoid her.

Is there any way I can slowly warm her up to me, or do you
think she may just always behave like that?

Thanks so much!


Dear Brooke,

Try giving her a treat every time. Maybe you can even pet her while she eats it, though don't be disappointed if you can't. And you are right, she might grow out of it.  

Otherwise you need to respect her boundaries-- but she's a good girl outside of the cage, right? Don't let this keep you from holding her. She may not like the actual picking-up part of being held-- many mice don't-- but she probably still likes to be with you outside the cage.

If she nips repeatedly while being held then you have a real problem. In that case you could try wearing very thin suede gloves when you handle her, or keep her on your clothing instead of your hands. The thing is you have to work around a mouse's personality.  

Does this help?

