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my mouse hasnt had babys yet?

21 15:39:44

its been three weeks and my mouse micheal hast had her babys yet but we know she is pregnant.she started to act different a couple days before i got the flu (feb 3  to 9)
could a wild mouse have gotten into her Cage? and if so would i be able to give away the mice and keep 2 girls? the first night i got micheal she didnt like me the next morning we were best friends would it be ok if when er babys are old enough i get them to calm down or something (if they are wild.) what i mean is if they are wild would i be able to train them to be micheal.

please awnser soon,jessie

It is possible a wild mouse squeezed his way in and if you know shes pregnant but hasn't been with a boy it is the only explanation. The gestation period is 19 - 21 days.

You could give the mice away if you are able to tame them. However it can be difficult to tame wild mouse babies especially for beginners. You will need a lot of time and patience. It is important you handle them frequently from about 3 days. Start with a few minutes 3 or 4 times a day and gradually build it up as they get older.

Give the mice to animal-loving friends or family as a lot of pet shops will sell them as snake food.

If a wild boy has got in expect some of the offspring to resemble him in color. However, it is possible that the babies won't look like either parent.

Please feel free to ask any more questions.