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Male Mice Fighting ):

21 15:32:19


A few days ago I bought 3 young male mice, all brought up together beforehand. I also bought all the accessories needed for them to be healthy and happy at home. They were fine for a few hours but after establishing territory, the brown male one started bullying the other two! The black one is especially terrified and twitches sometimes. He steals their treats and only allows them to sit atop the little hut I provided. If they try to eat, drink or play on the wheel, they get chased and nipped! He hasn't drawn blood and also exhibits other boss mouse behaviour such as grooming, although the others don't like it. Yesterday I bought a soap dish to hang near the top of the cage, but he invaded that as well!

I have even tried rewarding him every time he "allows" the other mice do things he doesn't like, ie. eat from the food dish, but I can't always be there to be giving him treats.

What can I do? I have had two females before, and also two male rats, but they always got along eventually although their partners were introduced at a later stage.

Dear Anna,

It's not honest for pet stores to sell people males and say they will live together.  They almost never can.  Males want their territory and they will fight, even to the death.  Only in *some* cases where they were litter mates, will they get along.  But usually not even then.

Males usually have to have their own cages.  The pet store should take back one or more of the mice, since it was their mistake, and it's only been a few days.  You can try keeping the two meeker males together for a while, but the more aggressive one needs his own space.  The other two will just be unhappy living with him.

best of luck : )

squeaks n giggles,
