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Baby Mouse eyes not open

21 15:32:19

I found a baby mouse with fur a week ago, and the care I've given him he seems active and healthy now. My problem is that he doesn't jump, and his eyes arn't opened yet as I've expected them to be by now. Is there something wrong with him, and if there is, what should I do?

Dear Michelle,

There are two possibilities.  Either he is simply younger than you think, in which case he will open his eyes soon (he won't be jumpy until they are open), or the reason you found him was his mother knew there was something wrong with him and abandoned him.

In either case the only important thing is that he looks healthy and eats and poops normally.  In a week he will be more mobile.  Even if he turns out to have stunted development, he can probably have a normal, happy life.  He may just be a runt, and while runts often don't survive as the littlest mouse in a litter, they do fine with extra attention; they just never get as big nor grow as fast as other mice.

Enjoy him.

squeaks & giggles,
