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Caught mother mouse & one baby

21 15:38:14

I saw a mouse in my apartment and caught in a live catch mouse trap. It looked black at first so I thought it might've been a feeder mouse that escaped from upstairs. I put it a 10 gal glass aquarium. Anyway, the next day I saw another mouse. It was a baby. I put it in with the momma & got them some toys from the pet store. I'm starting to realize that these are wild mice & I haven't been able to catch the other babies. I found a hole in my baby's wall which looks like a mouse hole. I don't want to kill them but I'm worried they may carry diseases or bugs. I saw 2 tiny brown bugs in my bed tonight but they didn't run like a bed bug. Could the bugs be from the mice & do you have any suggestions about how to catch the other babies & what to do with them once I catch them. Is it safe to keep them as pets? Is there some kind of disinfectant I can get to put on the mice to kill bacteria and disease? It's getting really cold so I'm just worried that they may die if I take them outside. But if they are a threat to my baby I need to get rid of them somehow.

Dear Amy,
thank you for your question.
If the babies are very young, there's a good chance that they are already dead because they are very dependend on their mother at first. If they already have fur and opened eyes, they may still be around. Try a piece of Snickers as bait, that often works very well, or a piece of fried bacon (because of the strong smell).
There's a good chance that the mice are carrying parasites. If you really want to keep them, you should see a vet with them to get them treated. But wild mice need a huge cage to live in, at least 40x20x20" long, wide and high and even that may be too small.
Some mouse species also carry the Hanta Virus and that is definitely dangerous for both you and the baby. House mice are not among the species that carry it, though, and all the carrier species are usually not found in houses/apartment.
I would put them outside, they are wild animals and are able to fend for themselves, they will find a place to live again. They will also be unhappy in captivity. If you can out them somewhere sheltered, like an abandoned building or a park where they can find abadoned mouse holes to hdie in, they have a good chance to survive.
If you find more babies after you put the mother outside, it may be better to as your upstairs neighbour if his/her snake can eat them, they will have a hard time to survive without the mother and the snake will at least kill them quickly.
I hope I was of some help to you