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Deer Mouse- hantavirus?

21 15:24:46

I recently caught a baby deer mouse in a thrift store. The people who owned the store had killed its mother earlier that day. The mouse is around 11 days old and i have been caring for him and feeding him puppy milk. I am 99 percent sure it is deer mouse after doing some research. I know that deer mice are carriers of the hantavirus and i live in northern nevada were the virus is more prominant. My question is, do you think this little guy at such a young age could already carry this virus? If so, what should i do? Its eyes are not open yet so i know that if i let it go, it will die. At the same time i am concerned for my own life...What do you think?

Dear Jacinda,

You probably know about as much as I do.  Tough question.  I am going to pose the age question to two vets I have contact with, and change this answer if/as they answer me.  In the meantime, I myself would not worry inordinately.  The hantavirus is transmitted through breathing in the dried urine and feces, something which you are unlikely to do.  The transmission rate is very, very small.  The people who get it are workers who clean out lots of old mouse nests.  

Still, if you have symptoms of a bad flu within a few weeks, you should go to the Dr and mention that you had contact with the mouse.  

This is only my personal opinion, and my Internet sources are no better than yours.  I'm not a vet or a scientist.

Have fun with the little guy.  If you get a better answer somewhere else, be sure to let me know!

squeaks n giggles,
