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is my mouse pregnant and in labor?

21 15:10:14

Momma Mouse
Momma Mouse  

Momma Mouse BIg Bottom
Momma Mouse BIg Bottom  
Hi there, I hope you can help me. I've owned mice before but never a pregnant one. A very young male was in with our older female around Christmas. (She is around 2. They are both feeder mice I rescued.)The male was in there a few days before we realized he was a boy mouse. Anyway, Momma Mouse has always been pretty fat. Very soon after her meeting the male, she started looking more lumpy and really big. She also started nesting more, sleeping more, acting agitated. 3 nights ago at 3AM she went into labor, making this rhythmic panting sound for next 24 hours. I got very worried when it went on so long. It almost sounded like a ticking clock. Since then it comes and goes, this sound she makes. She rarely comes out, but she's still eating and drinking. I have been driving myself absolutely nuts pacing and waiting for the baby mice. I have read about what can happen if she is disturbed, so I've been extremely cautious by giving her peace and quiet. I finally went ahead and cleaned her cage today. Am I wrong, is she not pregnant at all ? Please look at the pics attached and let me know what you think! Thank you! ~Rebecca

Dear Rebecca,

Second answer. I received answers from my breeder friends, and they say there is no reason to believe she is or was in labor. The clicking sounds are not labor-- which means they must be a respiratory infection.

However, a mouse that pregnant might get stressed at the vet, which isn't the best for the babies.

Since she seems active and healthy out of the nest, she is probably OK until the babies are born, at which point, if she is still making noise, she should be on medication.

Unless she actually seems sick, if she is only making noises, you should be able to get away with using tetracycline from a pet store, in her water. It is formulated for fish, so you either get it at an aquarium store or the fish section of the pet store. Try to get capsules or, if not possible, powder.

Usually you would force a first strong dose into her but certainly not when she is pregnant. So all you are going to do is put it in her water. Assuming she has the larger (10 oz) size of water bottle, you will open and empty one capsule into the water bottle, shake well, cover with tin foil to keep out the light, and change it every 2-3 days. This should be her only water. She should have it for a minimum of ten days.

If you have the powder, 1 capsule is 1/4 tsp. If you have the tablets, you will need to cruch them very, very well to the consistency of powdered sugar. The tablets or pieces of them will not dissolve well enough nor consistently enough. You can crush a tablet between two spoons nesting in each other.

I apologize for not having the answer about labor right away. When she does have the babies expect there to simply be little cute squeaks one morning.

Best of luck and health to her and the babies.



