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diying mouse

21 15:18:22

i found 2 mice running around my house they were quite easy 2 catch witch surprised me. i thought it was cuz they look very young. i only caught them 2day n they were jumping all over the tank trying 2 get out but i just realized 1 of them has died and the other is very weak it can even walk properly the one that is alive has red and grey/brown bugs on it they look like baby ticks but i don't belive we have those in England? i don't think U will B able 2 answer me in time 2 save him but if U can is there anything i can do 2 help him or is it just too late?

Hi Stevie,

Without seeing the bugs (or being a professional) I can't guess at what they might be, but mice are subject to different kinds of pests and parasites.  If the bugs are indeed parasitic they could be making the mice sick or weakened, which could be causing them to pass away.  The best option is to make sure they have access to plenty of clean water (a stale piece of bread soaked in water is a good option) and food (cheerios, commercial mouse mixes, stale bread, etc.), and to consider bringing him very quickly to a vet or a wildlife clinic.  There may be a solution to help them, but without knowing what the problem is, it's tough to guess what to do or what kind of a chance he has.

Best of luck,