Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Mice > mouse with scratched eye

mouse with scratched eye

21 15:19:06

Hi I have a mouse (pinky) who is about a year old who got
into a fight with another mouse who I attempted to
introduce. I later realized the reason for this was because
the mouse I tried to introduced was actually a male and I
assume had been hassling and trying to mate with pinky who
obviously did not want to. They got in a fight and she had
some of her fur ripped out around her face and a small scab.
I separated the mice right away, however as the scab on
pinky's face was healing she began to scratch at it and
ended up scratching her eye and making it bleed. I have been
treating it with a mild saline solution and it does not look
infected, she has it open, and she is acting as normal but
it is quite red and looks as if she may have damaged her
site. I was wondering if there was anything else I could do
to help the healing process along. Also one of my other mice
became pregnant  if you have any advise I would appreciate
it. Please don't have a go at me or call me an irresponsible
mouse owner as some people on other sites have. I consider
myself a responsible pet owner and always try to do the best
for them. I even put the mouse into quarantine before i introduced it to the other females  to ensure it didn't have
lice or mites (i treated it as a precautionary)and so I
could better examine the sex of the mouse but unfortunately
i got it wrong (and so did the pet shop).

Hi Shay,

About the eye:

A vet visit would be best, as open wounds are open doors for infections.  If there's just no way to get to a vet, continue saline washes and consider adding tetracycline (a general antibiotic available at your local pet or feed store) to her drinking water.  Here's a link on how to use it:

As far as pregnancy - I'm not sure what to tell you, that's sort of a very broad topic.  Here are a couple of great links so you can find whatever information you don't already have:

No one here will make any accusations about you or your responsibility as a pet owner.  Usually when people elsewhere get upset, it's because there are all too many accidental litters out there that can be prevented with a little education.  It's all of our responsibilities to make sure we know all that we need to know as pet owners, and that we share that information.  Pet shop workers are not always required to know much about the animals, unfortunately, so it's up to all of us to spread that info around.  :)

Congratulations on your upcoming litter, and I hope Pinky's eye heals up!  She may very well lose sight in that eye, but what's more important is that you keep out infections by keeping it clean and putting her on antibiotics.  Best of luck!
