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Mouse pregnancy and cage mates

21 15:11:29

Hello, I currently need help with my pregnant mouse, Zima, and her cage situation. Zima was originally one of my mouse Shirro's litters and I gave her to a friend that let it play with a boy mouse. Now she's pregnant and I want to put her in her own home (a 45 gallon aquarium) with her mother Shirro, sister Hermes, and my other mouse Modest. She doesn't seem to get bullied, but what will happen when she gives birth? Will the others help, hurt, or ignore her? Should I put her in her own cage?

Thanks for any help in advance,

Hi Maggie,

Unfortunately, there is really no telling how the other females will behave once she has her litter.  Some mice are excellent friends and babysitters, helping momma out with the pups and keeping them warm while she eats.  Others don't quite understand what the little babies are, and bad situations can become worse very quickly with fragile babies.  I personally keep new moms alone, but you are the most familiar with your mice, and they might be very good for her.

Another factor to consider is mom's stress - if she is happiest with other mice, or more stressed out around them, that will be reflected in her anxiety during the end of her pregnancy and raising her pups.  This is especially important with first-time mommas, because they don't always understand quite what's going on and could have a particularly difficult time parenting if they have that added stress from a new situation.  Ultimately, it depends on her, how she does with the others normally, and the cage's social hierarchy.

It's up to you, but I hope I helped!  Please let me know if you have anymore questions,