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tame field mouse personality

21 15:32:06

Natasha ~  I have emailed you a few times with questions about my little field mouse that we rescued.  I have a quick question for you.  My little girl mouse, Monkey Girl, has always been really great about running into my hands and falling asleep in my hand and letting me pet her.  She has always loved to be lightly scratched behind the ear and under her chin.  She's never been a huge fan of being held, she has more so always like to climb into my hand at her timing.  Anyway, I play with her every night for atleast an hour and during that time she always climbs in my hands.  Three nights ago, it was the same as always, but the last few nights she doesn't want to crawl in my hand much.  She doesn't run away like she's scared, she just doesn't like to sit in my hand.  Also she has never bitten me, she'll nibble at my finger nails sometimes and she's done that since she very little, for a week or so she's attempted to nibble my fingers or hands, but I always tell her "NO" and she stops.  So again the past few nights she's tried to nibble my fingers or hand or wrist area and when I tell her NO she nibbles harder.  I know she has the capability to bite hard if she wanted to, and she's not doing that, infact it's not done in a mean or scared way at all, she just seems curious and when she crawls on me, she smells around and then starts to nibble and the nibbles are getting harder and more constant.  It seems like the past few days every time I put my hand in, she'll crawl to it to nibble, but not to cuddle.  Am I doing something wrong, or is she just going through a little phase.  She is almost 3 months old now, and I know she's used to me as I play with her every day and like I said she's not afraid of me she just seems to not want to be so cuddlesome, and instead wants to nibble at me.  Any suggestions?  Have you had this problem with your mice before?  Any advice would be great. Thanks so muh, it's so nice to know I have a place to ask questions as they arise.  I've never had a mouse before and this field mouse has opened my eyes to how wonderful mice can be.  I have worked so hard to tame her and have her cuddle in my hand, and not to bite, that I am a bit disappointed that just in a few days things are changing a bit. I want to make sure she stays nice and tame :) Thanks for your time.


Dear Kim,

Mice do go through phases, and I've found some of my mice will go from a very young super-eager-loving phase to a more distant one, and it always worries me until I remind myself it just happens.  She might never have quite the same reaction to you as before (sad but true).  However, almost all mice then have a tendency to become sweeter and sweeter as they get older.  If she stops climbing onto your hand completely, though, don't make the mistake of not holding her. Think of it like a little kid who no longer jumps into mommy's arms for hugs-- she still needs them!  You might just need to scoop her up.

The best way to tell a mouse 'no' is to very gently tap it on the top of its nose.  It doesn't hurt, it insults the mouse.  I learned it from how mother cats make their young behave by smacking their noses, and it works for mice too.  This is how I have trained nippy mice not to nip. For me there is a big difference between gentle nibbling, which is tickley and is actually friendly, and nipping, which doesn't actually hurt but is more like biting. I discourage nipping by nose-tapping.  

I'm so happy to hear about Monkey Girl.  I can never get people to write back about their pets!  I would like to know that my advice works sometimes and has good results, so I could tell others about it.  Keep me posted about Monkey Girl.  

squeaks n giggles,
