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Sick female mouse

21 15:09:17

My female mouse, I think she is 2 months old has been lethargic and just laying around lately and does not interact with her cage mates. I took her out today and put her in another cage and all she did was just go curl up in the water dish. Not sure why she wanted to be all wet and soaked. I tried drying her off and she produced a white mucus discharge from her vagina or anus. She makes clicking or chirping noises when I pick her up but doesn't move and is mostly lazy. What is wrong with her?

Dear Stan,

The only chance your mouse has is an immediate, emergency vet visit. She needs a strong antibiotic- the vet can give  her a shot to try to save her life.

Keep her warm and dry until you get her to the vet. Try to get some warm liquid such as milk with a little honey,  into her if you can.

I wish her the most luck possible.

