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My Obese mouse

21 15:38:18

I have a year old mouse and he is FAT FAT FAT! he is about 2 and a half inches wide.  No matter what i do he just wont loose weight, and he goes on his wheel very often too.  Does he have a thyroid problem? what should i do?

Dear HannaLou,

Some mice are just fat.  I don't think it affects their lifespan.  It's not like people, who can get so fat they can't function well-- fat mice are still quick and healthy.  I've had a many fat mice in my life, and almost all were perfectly healthy.  

I really wouldn't worry about it.  As long as the mouse is happy, exercising, and healthy-looking, he's fine.  I would never put a mouse on a diet-- mice should have as much nutritious food (a store mix, for instance) as they can eat.  

I think the fat ones are super cute.  I had a fat black mouse who I used to let run on the pool table because she looked like the 8-ball!

Have fun with him.

squeaks n giggles,
