Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Mice > Mouses tail black after wound

Mouses tail black after wound

21 15:20:56

QUESTION: Hello, My mouse got his tail stuck in his cage. It is red and looks as if it was bleeding. I put some peroxide on it and waiting to see what happens. Just wanted a 2nd opinion.

ANSWER: Dear William,

Poor little mouse!  The peroxide is a good idea, as long as you rinse it off and he doesn't lick it. Now the main thing you need to do is watch him very carefully for any signs  of illness.  Watch the skin near the cut to make sure it doesn't get red. If it gets infected he will need antibiotics.  However chances are he'll be fine.

best of health to him.



---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Hey, Its me my mouse is ok i guess.She is as happy as ever. The thing is her tail is getting black only from the cut down. what does this mean is it dying or is it infected.

Dear William,

Once a tail turns black there's nothing you can do; it will eventually break off.  The cut must have been deep enough to disrupt the flow of blood. The rest of the mouse should be fine, though, and she won't notice the loss. The nice thing about being a mouse is you don't care what you look like.  

Of course if her behavior does change, or the tail looks bad above the cut, she must go to the vet.

