Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Mice > Fat mouse food rationing/ lifespan

Fat mouse food rationing/ lifespan

21 15:38:38

QUESTION: Hi, i have a mouse that i just got a couple weeks ago and he just started gaining weight. I'm going to get him a ball to run in but how else can i make him lose weight? will this affect how long he lives? I'd love to hear from you. thanks!

ANSWER: Dear Kyla,

if your mouse doesn't have an exercise wheel in his cage, he must have one.  It's also important to feed him the right foods.  If you are not using a commercial rat and mouse mix or blocks, I would recommend doing so, only supplementing with vegetables or grains if you want to.  No crackers or bread, nothing with fat or sugar.  

Other than this, there isn't much you can do.  Some mice get fat.  Certain breeds tend to obesity.  My fat mice have lived very long and healthy lives.  I find them very cute!  

I have had a lot of fat mice.   Only once (out of 35 years of mice) it was an internal tumor, but even in that case she was perfectly happy until she died.  I don't want to scare you, and it's very unlikely.  Usually they are just roly poly and I had a fat black mouse who I let run on the pool table because she looked like the 8-ball ; )

Please write back if you have any questions.

squeaks n giggles,


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thank you! I have just one more question. he has two wheel's in his cage and I give him mouse and rat food but how much should I give him? And how long do you think he will live if obesity does affect how long they live? Thank's again! I really appreciate your help! =]

Dear Kyla,

I'm sure he is pleased to have his choice of two wheels!  I don't ration my mouse food.  They always have as much as they want. I do not notice fat mice eating more than others, and I would feel cruel limiting a mouse's diet so he felt hungry.

As a side note, there are two instances of keeping mice slightly hungry.  One is if you want to train them just with food they have to be a bit hungry.  Two is that scientists have found that partially starving mice live longer.  I find both reasons cruel to the mouse.  Especially tasty bits can be used to train when the mouse is used to food blocks.

Pet mice live to between 18 and 30 months (1 1/2 to 2 1/2 years).  I have had at least one fat mouse live to 2 1/2 years.  As they get older they do lose weight, as do all mice.   Mice who die at 18 months can be perfectly slender, too.

please write back if you have any questions.

squeaks n giggles,
