Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Mice > Mouse is bloating and not moving

Mouse is bloating and not moving

21 15:07:48

QUESTION: Hi I have a male mouse and two females. The male I had in his own cage and I just found him super bloated, not moving around, and his back by his neck is very arched. Just yesterday he seemed fine and was moving around. I don't have money to take him to the vet, I just gave him some bread soaked in milk because I read somewhere that it would help.  Is there ANYTHING I can do??


ANSWER: Dear Amanda,

That sounds simply awful. All I can say is I hope he passes soon, because he is in a very bad way. Are you sure you can't get a vet to just euthanize him for not so much money? How about a (kill) shelter?

I would give him a drop of children's liquid ibuprofen every 4-6 hours. Also I believe you can get a liquid form of something like Gas-X. There is a possibility that one drop of that also every 4-6 hours would help.

The gas may be from an intestinal blockage, and it may even get better sand then get worse and kill him. The arched back I do not know.

I so wish I could help.



---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Well I rubbed his tummy a little and gave him that bread soaked in milk and held him for a very long time and he is acting normal now. I suspect it'll happen again, I just hope I can fix him every time.


At least he is ok right now. Rubbing him was a good idea. I would have said to give a massage for the blockage and the gas but I was worried about it hurting him if there was something with his back. So it helped.

Holding him for a long time is the right thing. That means a lot to a sick or dying mouse. It also helps them get their strength up.

Best wishes and strength to him and you.

