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My mouse is having strange symptoms. help please...

21 15:40:00

I had two mice, one girl, one boy. Then I had thirty-two mice. I gave away all but five female mice. The ones I gave away to people I know, there mice have already died. Mine are still alive, two years after I got them. So the mom is around two - three, the babies: one - two.

So, I find some blood around the cage, not a lot, but enough to worry me. A day of so later, I see the mommy mouse sleeping in the food bowl; that's not completely unlikely, but it's unusual. So, I pick her up and check her out; she's the one who's bleeding. Around her butt, there is food and wood chips stuck to a bloody spot.

By now she would be walking around and exploring. But she just sits there, slowly moving her tail around. The vet is closed today, and both animal hospitals near me don't have anyone mice. What should I do for my mouse? Should I try to clean her wound? Is she going to live?!?!

It is not surprising she has health problems, I have had over 200 mice and only 2 have reached 25 months! You have done well to have her this long especially since she has had babies!

It seems strange the mice you have given away have already died, perhaps they weren't as experienced with mice as you are.

It is difficult to tell you exactly whats wrong with her, it could be internal bleeding. Can you tell if it it coming from her anus or vagina? Is her stomach swollen? I think the best thing would be to keep her warm and try to feed her water through a dropper and put her favorite food in the cage. You can try to clean the wound with some lukewarm water if it doesn't cause her any more discomfort. Take her to the vet as soon as possible but prepare yourself as she may not recover.

Please feel free to ask any more questions. Good luck.