Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Mice > oh god

oh god

21 15:40:00

Dear Panya,

I think it wasn't primrose oil the guy sold me.  he poured it out of a bottle.  I
just tasted it and it is terribly bitter, made  me spit it  out.  I am so stupid
after the Listerine problem I decided I would always test a product first on my
very most sensitive skin (ahem).  I just tried and it burns.  It seems I am
simply destined to torture this mouse.  oh god the poor mouse, I can't believe
I just hurt her again!  the sweetest mouse in the world and I torture her to
death.  What is wrong with me?  She's the best mouse in the world and i don't
even test a product on myself before slathering it all over her naked body.

Would primrose oil be bitter? Would it hurt sensitive skin?  Where I put it on
me it still burns.  I can't believe this.

She is still in the nest.  No one is licking her.


I have no idea what the guy sold you but it definitely wasn't oil of primrose! It feels very soothing when applied (I sometimes get eczema on my face and I smother it on to stop it itching as it really helps). It also calms the red areas down as I have very sensitive skin. I also take it as a supplement and my skin clears in a few days. My mice absolutely love the stuff and it gives them a healthy shiny coat too!

I am really sorry you were put through this, please know it's NOT you it's the stupid man who sold it you! From what you tell me he sounds a bit dodgey having 'poured it from a bottle', he could be giving you anything! You can usually buy it in liquid form or capsules, in sealed bottles from health food stores or on the Internet under 'evening primrose oil'. If you can't find any, fish oil is a good substitute but it smells bad! Make sure you buy from a reputable distributor.

In no way would it cause any discomfort to a mouse and the fact no one is licking her shows he has given you something else, I wish I knew what. Perhaps a gentle 'sponge bath' would help. Use lukewarm water and a cotton wool ball and gently dab her skin to try and get some of this horrible stuff off. If at any point she is distressed stop immediately.

I hope she pulls through, please contact me again if you have any further problems.