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Mouse Mites extra questions

21 15:31:41

Hi Natasha,
I read your advice on how to get rid of mites on my mouse but I had a few questions. First you said to make sure she is drenched in the spray but to make sure she is dry when placed back in the tank but I'm unsure if I'm suppose to hold her until she is dry or dry her of? My second question is about wooden objects in the tank, you suggested not keeping any of them, I was wondering if there was a way to decontaminate them such as boiling them? Thank you for the advice.

Dear Peggy,

Good questions.  You want to keep the mouse out until she is dry.  If you can let her run around on a towel near a source of heat-- in the sun through a window, for instance-- that makes it easier.  

Boiling the wood would definitely kill the mites.  An easier idea might be to freeze the objects for a few days.  

Best of luck!

