Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Mice > Dropped mouse unwell

Dropped mouse unwell

21 15:32:54

My mouse seems to be a little under the wheather... he leans to the side when he sits and walks; sometimes when he breaths, there is a clicking noise; he isnt pooping as much, though he still eats as much; and he is lathargic and seeking affection.
My friend dropped him a couple of weeks ago, so i was thinking he may have a broken bone.. but i dont know.
If you could give me some advice as to what might be wrong with him, it would be greatly appreciated.

Dear Esme,

Unless your mouse is quite old, he sounds injured, especially because he leans to one side. The mouse could easily have a broken bone or sustained internal injuries in the fall.  The only way to help him out is to take him to a vet.  

I wish him the best.  Hope he's ok.

