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Mice skin problems

21 15:21:24


I had a question that I hope you can help with. I have a white mouse that I got over a year ago. He may be up to two years old *not sure how long they keep them in the pet store* He is developing what looks like a skin problem. It's on his face and neck. It looks like he's just scratching over and over again. It's patchy and what appears to be scabs are about size of a ballpoint pen tip. (Just little "dots" almost) they also have a "crusty" appearance in some spots I'm wondering what could be the cause of this. I removed his "treat" food that contained seeds and things that I've found may cause a reaction.  he just looks miserable and I would like to know if i should try something else too.

Dear Kristen,

He should go to the vet, because you don't know if he has mites or possibly ringworm (there are other possibilities as well, such as mange). The vet can look at a skin sample under the microscope to determine the cause and also has better remedies for either ailment than you can get over the counter.  

Find a vet who specializes in "pocket pets" or "exotics."  Cat and dog vets aren't trained in mouse issues. If you are lucky enough to find two possible vets, find out how many mice they treat per month.

Best of luck and health to your little mouse,

