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Pregnant mouse lonely and depressed

21 15:11:35

Hi Natasha,
My female mouse is pregnant an about a week ago we removed the buck.  Since doing this she seems depressed. Fancy just lays in the food bowl (had to get a secound bowl cuz she removed the in the first one to make a nest) most of the time. Is she doing this because she's lonely & depressed or is it because she's about to give birth?? If it's lonely & depressed how soon after birth should I get her a friend??

Dear Jen,

Although mice do have hormonal mood changes with pregnancy like humans do, your mouse is probably depressed because she lost her buddy. After all, as far as she knows he is dead. It is dangerous to have a female mouse live alone because she is more prone to illness, depression, and mites. This is why I always have three or more: When one dies, there is not a mouse left who is not only heartbroken, but also lonely.

You do not mention how far along she is in her pregnancy. If she is less than two weeks pregnant, there should be no problem in getting her two young mice for friends. She mustn't feel threatened. And it is great for a mom to have a helper or two in the nest, to give her a chance to run in the wheel or have a decent meal.

If she has less than a week left, it is risky to upset the balance of the cage. This may depend on her personality. If she is a super mellow mouse, she will probably be fine with new friends. If she is nervous, high strung, or aggressive, it is a bad idea. If she likes being held, you can hold and cuddle her a lot before the babies come.

If you don't get her a friend, she will be happy with her babies until you remove them, if you do. Of course the boys must be separated at 4 weeks. If you did not give her a friend before, of course you can just keep as many does as you like, from the litter.

In any case, you must keep mom and dad mice close to each other. Preferably within three feet. They do actually communicate in frequencies we can't hear, and even when your doe has friends, your buck will not want to be completely alone.

Have fun with the little babies! And best of luck to the expecting mom.

squeaks n giggles,
