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my elderly pet mouse

21 15:17:37

I have raised many mice as pets since childhood.  My current mouse is the only survivor of a litter of 13.  He is 2 1/2 years old and a very sweet boy.  He has been breathing very hard but is still eating and drinking some.  I am not sure what I should do.  Should I let him die naturally in the comfort of his home with little stress or should I take him to my vet to have him put to sleep?  I don't want him to suffer but am concerned about his last moments of life being stressful with the travel to the vet and being handled in an unfamiliar environment.  
He is a special little mouse and I love him dearly and want to do what is best.

Dear Kris,

I take my mice to be put to sleep only as a very last resort. Only if the mouse seems to be suffering and I decide if I were the mouse I would want to be put out of my misery, for instance with a huge tumor that inhibits their motion. If he is still eating and doesn't seem to be in pain, I would let him die a natural death. You are correct that the strain of going to the vet is a terrible thing to put him through before he dies. And a lot of vets don't even let you hold them as they die.

My sweetest mice have wanted to die in my hand. They have waited at whatever the designated "pick me up!" spot is, until I can hold them. Then they usually go within 10 minutes. So I know they want to die in peace and feeling loved.

He has lived a long, and I'm sure (since you are such an animal lover), happy life. Now he is, as they say, approaching the Rainbow Bridge, past which the flowers are popcorn and the paths are paved with cheese.  

Don't forget to get three more!


<:3  )--~