Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Mice > newborn(?) abandoned(?) mice

newborn(?) abandoned(?) mice

21 15:20:15

We found 3 very tiny mice in our yard.  They have fur.  They sleep in the grass, in the sun, and sometimes crawl into the cracks of our stone wall.  We haven't seen a mother at all.  I'm worried they will starve.  Can they feed themselves yet?  What can I do for them without disturbing nature if the mother really is still around?  (would she have just left them in the grass?).   thanks,    -ginny

Dear Ginny,
thank you for your question.
It seems that the mother has abandoned them or has been killed. You can try to raise the babies and since they have fur, you do have a good chance of doing that. But you need to find out what species they are (to know what to feed them) and you will need a huge cage and a place where they have little human contact so that they will stay shy enough to be released later. Some wildlife rehab centers will take on mice or will at least be able to help you with information. This website has info on how to raise orphaned mice:

On the other hand, baby mice dying is part of nature. It may seem heartless, but I would recommend just leaving them alone, especially if you cannot get professional help with raising and later releasing them.
I hope I was of som help to you