Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Mice > i drew a picture diagram of her cage to show and tell you the details

i drew a picture diagram of her cage to show and tell you the details

21 15:39:48


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PUSHING THE BEDDING: in the corners by her hay bed she is stuffing the bedding there . what is she doing?

BITING WHOLES IN THE TUBE: she is making a whole where she is pushing the bedding exept in the tube. what is she up to?

PICTURE OF BOXXING MOUSE: she always punches the outside of the tube before biting the whole. Why?

is she nesting because like you know in my other letters it says sheis chubby.

PS she is a little jumpy when i go near her now like shes protecting something.

Thank you for the diagram. Please don't worry this is all normal behavior, especially for a pregnant mouse. Pushing the bedding in the corners means this is where she prefers her nest to be, most likely because she feels more secure. She may be building a secondary nest to confuse predators and in case the primary nest get destroyed. She is biting holes in the tube because she wants to use the cardboard as nesting material. Mice like their nest to have 1 or 2 escape routes which she may be constructing using the tubes. Mice need something to chew on so it is also a great way for her to keep her teeth in check. Mice like their nest to be in complete darkness and will spend days getting the nest just right for them. She may be boxing the cardboard first to soften it so it is easier to chew.

She is jumpy because of stress factors (please see my other previous answers to you). Some pregnant mice become slightly aggressive especially if it is their first time and if they are new to you. This is because she may see you as a potential threat if she doesn't know you well.

I hope everything works out, please feel free to ask any more questions.