Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Mice > i have a couple questions

i have a couple questions

21 15:39:49

first off my last question to you was an update on another one i asked you but it didnt count? also i wanted to know some extra foods and recipes i can give her (note she might be pregnant) also is it ok to train her with sun flower seeds and im kinda worried bout her. shes kinda pudgy,she is climing upside down of her cage evan though she might be pregnant, and can sunflower seeds give her a sugar rush cause shes begging me for more? !!!HELP!!!

I'm not sure what you mean when you say you asked another question but it didn't count. Sunflower seeds don't give her a sugar rush. They contain essential vitamins and nutriments all mice need. It is a good idea to train her with sunflower seeds as mice love them which is why shes begging for more. In a normal diet she may eat 6 or 7 a day. Mice have a very high metabolic rate and need to eat regularly. Excessive amounts of energy could be a sign of stress. Please see my previous answer for extra foods.