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itching mouse not mites

21 15:39:11

Hey Natasha,
I am 12 years old and recently my mouse has been unwell.
He is about 8 months old and has recently been scratching constantly. We called our local pet store and they gave us some mite spray, i have followed the directions and it hasn't seemed to have worked.
He is still scratching his forehead, around his eyes and a lot behind his ears.
I went in and looked at him today and part of his ear had been scratched off. His ears have been scabby for a long time but i didn't think it would be this serious!
He seems to be in pain and i really want him to feel better again.
Sincerely, Marnie.

Dear Marnie,

I'm afraid it is time to go to a vet.  The vet will be able to test a skin flake to diagnose the problem.  It could be something like mange or ringworm.  The vet will have products to help the mouse which you cannot get over the counter.

The only other home remedy to try would be a little athlete's foot powder, perhaps mixed into a tiny bit of salad oil and rubbed on.  However, it sounds like this problem is too serious to wait now.  I hope you can get to a vet that sees exotic animals.

