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What do do with mouse babies?

21 15:32:07

I got two "female" mice from the pet store, but they were only about two weeks old so I guess they sexed them wrong, because one got pregnant. I put the boy in another tank, and the girl had about 10 babies three days ago. I don't know what to do with them! I'll keep them until they're two/three weeks old, but I don't want them to go to someone who'll throw them in a snake tank. How can I find homes for them? I can't give them to the pet store I got my mice from, because they sell them as feeders. What do I do with all these baby mice?

Dear Connor,

It's good that you are planning now instead of waiting till the last minute, since leaving the babies together for too long just leads to more babies.  You should keep the babies with their mother until they are 3 1/2 weeks old.  After that the boys and girls must be separated within 2 weeks.

I don't know what kind of area you live in, but you may have access to Craigslist or other internet or press want ad medium.  Put ads in now so you have a chance to collect people.  Males must be housed alone, so anyone taking males should be told that.

Another place to check is a local school.  One of the science teachers might appreciate a class pet.  The school might also let you put a notice on a bulletin board.  

Your local library might also have a bulletin board.  

Be creative!  Best of luck.

squeaks n giggles,
