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male and female

21 15:40:09

my female loves me but my male bites me and wont let me pick up my female! what do I do?

It's not your fault, males are more likely to be aggressive if kept with females. He is possessive over her since she is probably carrying his offspring. In his way he is protecting her although you won't see it that way!

If they are kept in separate cages, he's biting you because he can smell the female on your hand and gets excited. If he is kept alone it's because he's stressed. Mice are social creatures and are happiest when kept in groups. Make sure you get a buddy for them.

If you adopted your mice recently, your male may not have been socialised from a young age and therefore not use to being handled. If this is the case, handle him frequently for short periods of time making sure you keep a firm grip on his tail (a third of the way down from the base of his tail). Rub your hands in the wood shavings before playing with him to help cover your 'human smell' so he can adjust.

If you are not confident about handling this mouse you can either take him back or have him castrated. You may not be able to find a vet who castrates mice and there may be a high charge. However, I have found that the operation calms them down and they usually live a lot longer.

I hope this helps. Please feel free to ask any more questions, good luck!