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Climbing Mice

21 15:19:13

I have 3 females and 3 brother both in separate aquariums and I was wondering why they seem to like to climb up on top of the water bottle that I have hanging with one of those metal chew guards and hang/climb all over the mesh top all of them do it, and was also wondering if there was any danger to them when they seem to drop/fall down and if there is any risk of them getting out. it is a slider type of top, a reused snake tank.

Dear Randy,

Mice like to climb. Maybe you can give them some toys to climb on. Can you fit a small bird playground in the cage (and still have room for wheel and nest)? You can also buy all sorts of toys meant for mice and hamsters. I also have given my mice fancy creations meant for fish, where there are holes meant for the fish to swim through. If you do that, remove anything plastic so they don't chew on it. You can also build things out of small cardboard boxes.

They won't get hurt jumping down. Mice can jump pretty far because they weigh so little. Maybe one in 1,000 mice falls off something at some point and hurts itself. It's not a big worry. If you keep the slider top completely closed-- is it able to latch, or is the water bottle in the way? -- they can't get out. Unless you see chewing on the screen top, you don't have to worry.

Have fun with your awesome pets!

squeaks n giggles,
