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Signs of labor?

21 15:33:24

Friends son has a black mouse from a pet store that is pregnant and he wants to know what the signs of labor.His mouse is sitting still and is not moving much.

Dear Lory,

If a healthy mouse is about to have babies she will disappear into her nest and the next thing you will know you will hear really cute squeaky noises.  It is rare for there to be complications.

Tell your friend to make sure the mouse has a nice dark nesting area with soft nesting material such as Kleenex and give her complete privacy when she is in the nest.  It is best to keep her privacy in the nest for a week before handling the little ones, though she herself may be handled for very short periods of time when she comes out of the nest voluntarily.  If she seems that close to her time, or isn't acting like herself, it's best not to handle her at all.  If he's not sure of the age (birth is 21 days after mating), she will look "like she swallowed a pear" for a few days before giving birth.  

These past answers of mine will answer many other questions he may have about mouse upbringing:

He will find links to YouTube videos of mating, and birthing mice, and baby mice of various ages here:

Please feel free to write with more questions.

I wish your friend's son the best of luck and fun with the babies!  

Squeaks n giggles,
