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Will my mouse survive?

21 15:17:28

hi i got two fancy mice, i brought them in feb 2011 and was told they were both female but i noticed about 3 weeks ago they looked like they were trying to mate with eachother adthen 8 days ago we woke up and noticed a huge lump on her side by her back leg and then today i went to check on her and her eyes were gunky and she aint got alot of movement but she is panting quite alot too she is usually very active and quite nippy but she is letting us touch her it would be great if you could get back to me asap xx

Dear Natalie,

I'm afraid your mouse is very, very sick and may not have long to go. Keep her warm and give her some soy yogurt. Keep it quiet and don't disturb her. Usually I say to hold a mouse gently when it is sick, but your little girl apparently didn't much like to be held, so it's better to let her be. If she somehow rallies and gets better, she will do so best quietly.

If she doesn't survive, you're probably going to want to replace the mouse so as to have a friend for the other one. Make sure the one left is a girl. If it's a boy it has to live alone anyway. It's good to have three girls at all times so a mouse does not have to cope with the stress of being lonely along with the stress of losing a friend.

Please write back with any more questions. I'm sorry about the little mouse.


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