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antibiotic for abscess; itching/barbering

21 15:38:02

I think that my mouse might have an abscess because she had a wound under her neck from scratching so much. I went to the vet a few months ago and they said she diddnt have mites but she is always scratching and over grooming. But anyway i went to the pet store to get the tetracycline and i went to three stores and none of them had the capsules. So i bought it in packets of powder.I made the paste and tried it out my question is if using the powder will have the same effect. also i was wondering if saline solution would help my mouse eye because it is swollen shut....thanks for listening

Dear Kristina,

The Tetracycline capsules are simply filled with the same powder that you have bought.  Simply prepare it as I have directed in my previous posts.

You can apply the warm saline solution to the mouse's eye area with a Q-tip 2-3 times a day or as needed.  The antibiotic might address an infection there, too.

If the vet tested for mites, I assume s/he must have tested for other skin problems as well, such as mange or ringworm.  I'm surprised you weren't given a diagnosis and prescription (directions, not necessarily medicine).  A bored mouse will 'barber' itself, or cut its own fur; an aggressive mouse can barber another.  Itching can be caused by any number of allergies, including food allergies.

Good luck!

